🔋Cyber Week Is Here!

 ☘️ Happy St. Patrick's Day! ☘️
9 Paintings For $9!

Have you ever struggled to create paintings with seamless composition & vibrant color?

Are you ready to paint...

Detailed Abstract & Floral Designs That Are Shockingly Easy To Create!

- Even If You've Struggled With Abstracts In The Past - 

🚨 Spoiler alert! Most artists don't realize the detailed, colorful, and fun paintings they're missing out on - that's why I created this for you!

👇 Be sure to watch this video before you scroll! 👇 

Finding the confidence & joy in your painting process has never been easier!

9 real time, step-by-step paintings designed to improve your abstract painting confidence!

Step by Step Abstracts

In Your Sketchbook (and Beyond)

Holiday Sale: $97 $27!

*All Prices Displayed Are In USD*

Or, keep scrolling to read why this class is perfect for you! 👇 

Have you ever seen a colorful collection of abstract paintings and thought...

 "Wow, that's beautiful! I would love to paint like that... but I would just make a horrible, ugly mess!"

If that sounds like you... You are in the right place!

Before I started painting just a few years ago, I felt the exact same way!

👎 I didn't feel confident in my own creative abilities.

😔 I felt that I lacked the special talent that others had.

I didn't know any of the simple techniques that made abstracts easy & approachable.

I created this course for people just like you & me to avoid the struggle of constantly trying & failing - and start LOVING the process of creating amazing, colorful paintings we can be proud to show off!

Instead of being stuck and feeling uninspired..

  • ​​Never throw away any art supplies again once you learn how to turn "mistakes" into really amazing paintings
  • Remove the pressure of creating a "masterpiece" by starting in a fun, simple sketchbook
  • ​​Start being confident in your creativity and inspired to share your work with the rest of the world.
  • Know exactly what strategy and supplies help you best achieve your own unique goals.

If you're ready to achieve something GREAT...


What you’ll get in the class:

  • More than 12 unique color palettes
  • ​Three different background approaches to getting results
  • Several inspiration paintings for reference (not for sale of course)
  • ​How to study a painting and make sure it’s unified and has good composition.
  • You’ll learn a lot about color and how to create colors that are your own.
  • You’ll learn about a variety of supplies and what they can do.
  • ​You’ll complete several exciting abstracts to hang in your home!

How amazing would it be to actually have a step-by-step guide that would show you the exact techniques & tools your favorite artists are using when creating their paintings?

Hi! Im Suzanne Allard - And I Am Just Like You!

As a self-taught gouache, watercolor, acrylic painter with an addiction to color, joyful abstracts and florals. I know how hard it was for me to pursue my art dreams. I was scared, inconsistent, and not sure how to get there. That's why I'm passionate about encouraging and guiding you.

I was raised in South and Central America, where I fell in love with the gorgeous colors, textures, and flowers in that part of the world. I have always created in various ways before that; fiber, furniture painting, needlework, spinning yarn, dyeing wool, all kinds of things - but I was too scared to paint. But I didn’t really begin painting until I was 51!

I kept yearning to create like the artists I followed on Instagram, so finally I just started painting and taking online classes. (I got tired of hearing the excuses in my head too). Little by little, I got braver, and with encouragement from folks on social media and friends, I began to make progress. 

My goal is to help you go from...



You feel like your skills just weren't good enough to fill an entire sketchbook with art

You feel like a professional painter, and your paintings have advanced to the next level.

You were afraid of trying & failing yet again to paint something beautiful

You are not afraid to try and experiment with new techniques in order to improve your artwork.

You thought you weren't creative enough to fill an entire sketchbook with art.

You can complete an entire sketchbook using the techniques you've learned.

My goal is to help you learn how to approach
different styles of abstracts in a fun, unique way!

That's why I created this CLASS for you!


So, what is this Step-by-Step Abstract Class all about?

This class takes you through 9 step by step abstracts in different styles. You will learn how to use color, shape and botanical elements to create something that makes your heart sing! 

What I will teach you:

  • I’ll help you get past the fear of tackling an abstract with my plan and process
  • We’ll start in the sketchbook as that feels more approachable and less intimidating that painting on paper or canvas.
  • We’ll create 9 layered paintings with paint and other media and then add delicious details.

No more struggling. No more worrying. No more wasting time.

Take a look at some of the 9 paintings we'll be doing together!

Learn how to approach abstracts in new ways. Come along and be inspired and supported while learning to create with a supportive teacher.

This is something you can do!

My goal is to help you reframe your perspective on art and equip you with new beliefs that will allow you to approach abstract painting with self-compassion and curiosity, and to truly enjoy the process!


Your abstract painting confidence will soar by the end of this course! You'll know everything there is to know about creating abstract paintings for fun or business.

🎉 Student Success Stories! 🎉 

Students have found TONS of success taking my classes - no matter what their skill levels are!

Here are a few of my favorites!⬇️ ⬇️ 

"I didn't know I could draw or paint before Suzanne's classes, and now I am teaching art!"

"This course has increased the range of styles, colors, and media I work with!"

"Before this class I would've never believed that I could be a painter!"

"Even my daughter's boyfriend loved this class!"

"My painting was accepted into a juried show!"

"Using this sketchbook method has helped me open up & paint every day! I love my sketchbook!"

"My very first painting after watching the classes!"

"Thank you Suzanne for giving me freedom!"

"I love the process!"

"Started at a doodle, & developed into this!"

Start creating your own 
abstract paintings today!

  • Demonstrations: Including real-time demos, a thorough explanation of the process I use, and professional guidance for each painting! ($87)
  • ​​Multiple Modules: Explore techniques, supplies, and color correction in easy to follow modules ($67 Value)
  • Unlimited Applications: Don't just learn how to copy my techniques, learn how you can apply the techniques I teach to any painting! ($43 Value)
  • An Entire Sketchbook Collection One Course! Don't walk away with just one painting, create your very own collection in your sketchbook! ($100)
  • ​Access to Community: Engage with aspiring artists, expand your art community, and get inspired! (PRICELESS)

A $197 value!

On Sale Today: $97 $27!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What supplies are used in this class?
A: I encourage my students to start with what they have and work within their budget. On my website I have links to supplies that vary in price. Students often start with what they have and then add to their supplies as they are able/ready! suzanneallard.com/supplies In this class I use these supplies but you don’t need them all. Acrylic or gouache paint, a few smaller brushes, paint pens, crayons or pastels.

Q: Do I have to use a sketchbook for the beginning parts of the class or can I just paint on paper or canvas?
A: You can paint on any surface you like! We just start with the sketchbook because it can be less intimidating and more approachable for many students!

Q: ​ I’m a total beginner, would this class be good for me?
A: Yes! This class is comprehensive and step-by-step. I go over supplies, inspiration and practice the elements. You just have to be very gentle, patient and kind with yourself as you learn. Make sure you join the Facebook group too which you will get an invite for when you purchase, it’s very supportive!

Q: Are the classes captioned?
A: Not at this time

Q: How long do I have access to the class
A: You'll have unlimited access to this class for as long as Art With Suzanne is around (which we hope is forever!)

Q: Is the class live or recorded?
A: The class is recorded videos, not live. You can access it as much as you want in the time you have access to the class.

Q: Will there be a supply list in the class?
A: Yes! There will be a supply list in the class downloads module. There are also supply videos showing you the supplies and what they do.

All Transactions Are Processed In United States Dollars!
Q: ​Can I use watercolor instead in this class?
A: Yes, you would just have to later differently and the effects would be different obviously but could be equally beautiful!

Q: Are any supplies included in the class?
A: No supplies are included.

Q: Can the videos be downloaded?
A: No, they cannot as then we wouldn’t be able to protect our intellectual property.

Q: ​​ Is there a Facebook Group Community for students and what’s the vibe?
A: Yes! We have a fantastic Facebook Group for Suzanne’s students. It’s a very encouraging, loving community. When someone posts their “first ever” painting they get met with lots of wonderful comments and encouragement. It is not a space for critiques or anything negative. If someone specifically asks for feedback then receive it in a loving way. Some students say the community is a huge part of the class for them!

Q: What if I sign up and don’t receive a welcome email with my login information?
A: When you sign up you should receive an email with “Your New Art With Suzanne Account” subject containing your username, password & a link to login.
1. Search your email inbox (and your spam filter) for “Art With Suzanne”.
2. If you can’t find the email, please email customer service at: hello@artwithsuzanne.com with the name and email address that you purchased with. They will respond within 24 hours.
If you are having any login or password issues, please email customer service at hello@artwithsuzanne.com as I do not have any login information.
3. Most often, these issues are due to:
    1. A typo in the email address you entered when purchasing or
    2. A different email that was used to purchase, or
    3. The email we sent you is in the spam filter. Please check all the above.


You will receive an email with your login information immediately after purchasing, so you can start painting within minutes!


Lessons are recorded on high quality equipment, so you can have crisp, clear videos anywhere in the world!


Access your lessons from any device! Use a smartphone, tablet, or computer to apply your newfound painting skills!


My lessons are designed in a way that allows you to break down my techniques and tricks in an easy to follow way!