I'm Suzanne Allard, a self-taught gouache, watercolor, acrylic painter with an addiction to color, joyful abstracts and florals. I know how hard it was for me to pursue my art dreams, I was scared, inconsistent, and not sure how to get there. That's why I'm passionate about encouraging and guiding you.
I was raised in South and Central America, where I fell in love with the gorgeous colors, textures, and flowers in that part of the world. I have always created in various ways before that; fiber, furniture painting, needlework, spinning yarn, dyeing wool, all kinds of things - but I was too scared to paint. But I didn’t really begin painting until I was 51!
I kept yearning to create like the artists I followed on Instagram, so finally I just started painting and taking online classes. (I got tired of hearing the excuses in my head too). Little by little, I got braver, and with encouragement from folks on social media and friends, I began to make progress. I love teaching and encouraging others as much as I like painting. I hope you’ll join me on this journey because it feels incredibly alive to create something you love. The first time you do this is magical and it’s not about talent, it’s about determination, the right mindset and putting in the effort - I promise!